Create more resilience, presence, and joy in your body and life through the power of Breathwork. 

Join live or on demand from the comfort of your own home.

Join the Align Breathwork Membership
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes

Live workshops take place on the first Saturday of every month from 10:30am-11:45am ET, and are always recorded so you can practice on your own schedule.

Fall 2024 dates: 10/5, 11/2, 12/7, 1/4/25. Convert to your local timezone here


Join the Align Breathwork Membership & access every workshop live & on demand


Join and get started from exactly where you are through our monthly, guided Breathwork Workshops, which are always led and informed by Aimée's eternal invitation to be gentle, experiment, listen to your self and your needs, and discover your most supportive and expansive breathwork practice from the safety of your home. As a member, you may join workshops live, or practice on your own schedule through the growing library of on-demand guided breathwork practices and high-quality workshop recordings. You also receive first access and discounts on events, retreats, and courses.

Sign Me Up!
Choose the membership plan that’s right for you:

Pay Monthly & Save

$19* / Month


Includes a free 1 week trial, andunlimited access to all live and on demand workshops and resources. You can cancel anytime.

*Lock in this special discounted price for founding members when you sign up before October 31, 2024.

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Pay Annually & Save More

$199* / Year


Includes a free 1 week trial, and unlimited access to all live and on demand workshops and resources. Receive a year of support at the lowest price this will be offered, and save!

*Lock in this special discounted price for founding members when you sign up before October 31, 2024.

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You can’t think your way to feeling at ease in your body, or in your life… but you know this, right?

Because you’ve already tried.


I have a feeling that you know what your challenges are. The pains, the sticky stuff, the beliefs and stories you hold close, not sure you could ever fully share with another or truly see change. You’ve read the books, done the therapy(ies), and brought other meditation and healing practices into your life. There's no doubt, these practices have all had an important place in helping you understand yourself and heal, moving you along your path. 

But still, you can't shake the sense that there’s so much more.

Because, more is awaiting you! The next exploration in your healing is to move towards landing in safety, trust, and ease in and through your body, maybe for the first time.

Alongside love, joy, and compassion, our unique experiences include pain, fear, trauma, grief, and inherited or learned beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. Some of this may be conscious – and you have probably already thought your way around (and around) all of the challenges you’ve experienced in your life – but much of it lies tucked away in your body, beyond the realm of your mind’s understanding. But the body is wise, and has been holding this all until you were ready. It is your primary source of your own deep wisdom and guidance.

Enter Breathwork:

Breathwork is a simple tool that supports us in dropping down into our bodies and accessing the stored energies, emotions, and memories that are not readily available to our conscious minds, but are usually what’s in the way of the ease we crave in our lives.

This powerful modality helps us to move deeper and directly access our nervous systems and our unique physiological and emotional patterning. 

I believe that, more than ever before, now is the time to build and deepen our sustainable self-healing practices. To keep going, to keep exploring our inner landscapes and cosmos, and to bring the gems we uncover  up and out to offer to our world. 

Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes

Each month, we gather together to explore a different theme through our Breathwork practice. 

These themes are (optional) springboards you can use to examine things from a different angle or dive into an aspect of your inner experience during our breathwork journeys. Some doorways we might walk through include...

  • Release, forgiveness, and letting go of the past
  • Navigating big changes and life transitions
  • Healing family relationships and lineage 
  • Nourishing supportive boundaries
  • Visiting with less celebrated emotional states, like fear, anxiety, and anger
  • Attuning to the energies of each season
  • Self-love and embodiment
  • Grief, loss, and heartbreak
  • Uncertainty, hope, and grace
  • Climate grief
  • Creativity and creative practice
  • And expanding our vision for the future

My goal is to create the least aggressive, least pushy, most inviting, and most welcoming breathwork gathering you've ever encountered.


It’s completely ok if not all of these topics resonate with you, or if you’re not sure if you want to go into some of them. I know, it can feel a little intimidating at times, especially if this is new to you! Something people often tell me is that they can feel a bit nervous before lying down to do breathwork -- of maybe feeling and getting into all the things they've been holding -- but then are so relieved and joyous when they actually get into the practice. 

In this membership and all the spaces I hold, you are welcome exactly as you are, even if you’re not sure about the topic. Feel free to place it to the side! Each breathwork journey you show up for will take you exactly where you need to go that day, regardless of the theme. We are all at different places in our process and our capacity, and that’s part of the beauty of joining together as a group – to recognize that while we have much in common, we are each unique!

While I’m not the only Breathwork facilitator out there, I am the only one who sees and does things through my unique prism of professional and personal experience. No matter where you are on your path of discovery, I’m here to help you contact an expansive, loving space inside yourself where you feel comfortable and open to welcoming relief, beauty, spaciousness, and hope.

Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl Jung

What happens in a Virtual Breathwork Workshop?

Your Breathwork journey begins the moment you say YES to your inner curiosity and sign up.

I’m Aimée Derbes, DACM, LAc

(Pronounced something like “AE-MAY”)

Since becoming a Certified Breathwork Healer in 2018, I have observed through many one on one sessions and group workshops that Breathwork complements other healing methods (such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, reiki, therapy, and so on) beautifully. A somatic active meditation practice, Breathwork offers a different way of accessing and clearing whatever might lie in between you and a fuller experience of life. By supporting you in both releasing and receiving more, this technique can help shift body and mind into a more receptive mode, allowing your other healing treatments to penetrate more deeply.

I’m also a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, herbalist, New Yorker, and cat mom to the hilarious and delightful Nisha. I love (love!) the work I get to do helping people like you shift your physiological and emotional experience and welcome more resilience, presence, and joy in your life.

Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes
Align Breathwork Virtual Breathwork Healing Sessions with Aimée Derbes

Wondering if Virtual Breathwork is for you?

Spoiler: It is.

Because we all have the gift of breath, Breathwork is for most people: even if you have experienced anxiety or panic attacks; even if you have a history of asthma; even if you live with chronic pain; and more. If you have questions about whether and how breathwork may or may not be a fit for your unique circumstances, please ask me or explore more details here

Sure, in person breathwork is nice – if you happen to have access to it! This practice is just as powerful over the internet, and for some of us, even more so – the beauty of virtual Breathwork is that you can connect to this guided group container from the privacy and comfort of your own space at home. While I’ll be with you live over Zoom to guide your experience, you’ll be free to move, make sounds, close or open your eyes, shift your position, take a moment to rest, and more, to adjust the experience to your safety and needs.

Through Breathwork, we can connect to our deeper selves beyond our everyday minds, move stuck energy and emotions, and expand our ability to engage with the richness of our lives.

The world needs healthy, flexible, open, and generous humans now more than ever – and that begins and expands from within each one of us.

As your guide, it’s my job to make sure all these expansive features of your spirit – your openness, your flexibility, your multidimensionality and compassion – are brought to the surface and continuously fed.

This is what I’ve been looking for!

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